

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Government of India

National Tobacco Control Programme

Tobacco has been identified as the foremost cause of death and disease that is entirely preventable. Globally tobacco use is responsible for deaths of nearly 6 million people. As per WHO, if current trends continue, by 2030 tobacco use will kill more than 8 million people worldwide each year. It is estimated that 80 % of these premature deaths will occur among people living in low - and middle - income countries. Over the course of the 21 st century, tobacco use could kill a billion people or more unless urgent action is taken.

Nearly 8 - 9 lakh people die every year in India due to diseases related to tobacco use and as per the report of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), nearl y 50% of cancers in males and 25% cancers in females in India are directly attributed to tobacco use. Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2009 - 10, conducted in the age group of 15 years and above 47.8% men and 20.3% women consume tobacco in some form or oth er.

In order to protect the youth and masses from the adverse effects of tobacco usage, second hand smoke (SHS) and to discourage the consumption of tobacco the Govt. Of India enacted and comprehensive tobacco control law namely “Cigarettes and other Tobac co Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003. The National Tobacco Program was launched in 2007 - 08 under 11 th Five Year Plan . India is party to the WHO Framework Convention o n Tobacco Control (FCTC) and is committed to implementing all provisions of this international treaty.

Program objectives are following:

  • Public awareness/mass media campaigns for awareness building and behaviour change.
  • Establishment of tobacco product te sting laboratories, to build regulatory capacity, as required under COPTA, 2003.
  • Mainstreaming the program component as a part of the health delivery mechanism under the National Rural Health Mission framework.
  • Mainstreaming Research & training on alternat e crops and livelihood in collaboration with other nodal Ministries.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation including surveillance e.g. Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) India.

The function of the division

The National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) is responsible for ov erall policy formulation, planning, monitoring and evaluation of the different activities envisaged under the programme. The National Cell functions under the direct guidance and supervision of the programme in - charge from Ministry of Health & Family Welfa re i.e. Joint Secretary/Director and the technical assistance is provided by the identified officers from the Directorate General of Health Services i.e. Deputy Director General (DDG) / Chief Medical Officer (CMO). The NTCC is supported by Consultants in s pecific areas of tobacco control like Policy, Legal, National Coordination and IEC & Advocacy.

The Schemes/Programme being implemented

NTCP was launched in 42 districts of the country during the XI Five year plan. During the five year plan, it is envisag ed to cover most of the districts in the country. Although COTPA 2003 is valid all over the country, implementation of the same would be better. During the plan period, Tobacco Cessation Centres [TCCs] would also be established to help people who wishes to quit tobacco consumption in any from.

Global Adult Tobacco Survey India 2009 - 10 was carried out in all 29 states of the country and 2 union Territories of Chandigarh and Pondicherry, covering about 99.9 % of the total population of India.

Global Youth Tob acco Survey India 2009 was carried out in grades 8,9 and 10 covering age groups 13 - 15 years.

National Level Public Awareness campaigns - A two month pan India outdoor media activity was launched during the year using a wide variety of media for creating aw areness about harmful effects of Tobacco use.

National Consultation on Economics of Tobacco was organised in collaboration with WHO - India on 20 - 21 December, 2012 in New Delhi.

Achievement of the Division/Section

  • Operational Guidelines for implementation of National Tobacco Programme developed and disseminated to all the states and Districts.
  • Guidelines for Implementation of pictorial health warnings and sale to minors and around educational institutions developed and disseminated to states.
  • Implementation of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India Regulation in the Sates.
  • Communication to Director Generals of Police (DGP) in states to strengthen and institutionalize enforcement of COPTA.
  • Communication to Transport Secretaries in the States to mak e compliance to COPTA
  • Communication to Principal Secretaries (Health) in the States to make compliance to COPTA.
  • The National Tobacco Control Cell (NTCC) coordinated with all 15 state consultants for collection of data related to price of key brand of tob acco products.
  • The NTCC organised a one day national level multi - stakeholder consultation on „Closing the Gaps in TAPS‟ in collaboration with HRIDAY and WHO India Office.
  • The NTCC assisted in soliciting proposals from the district administration of Anand and Kheda in the state of Gujarat on a systemic, time bound plan to reduce tobacco cultivation areas in these two districts.
  • The NTCC furnished inputs on the concerned issues of the draft agenda of the 13 th Session of the „Organization for Economic Co - oper ation and Development (OECD).
  • The NTCC furnished India‟s stand on the draft resolution on a „United Nations Interagency Task Force‟ on the prevention and control of non - communicable diseases.
  • The NTCC got the approval of the 1 st National Level Mass media campaign for the year 2013 - 14.
  • The NTCC participated and facilitated in the Technical Advisory Committee for the National Family Health Survey - 4 (NFSS).
  • The “Guidelines for Law Enforcers, 2013” for effective implementation of tobacco control was developed and released by Secretary Health and Acting WR.

Information regarding NTCP is also available at the following link of the MoHFW
